Phoenix Life Reset

Embody Soul Purpose & Transform Core Wounds in to Soul Wisdom

Embodied Spiritual Awakening

Does your inner guidance encourage (and sometimes push) you to share your story in order to manifest your dreams and fulfill your soul purpose? A phoenix life reset is a personal tragedy, death of a loved one, health crisis, getting laid off, or the dissolution of a marriage that calls us to WAKE UP and muster the courage to move beyond the edges of our comfort zone.

On a daily basis I hear about women feeling: depressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, broke, afraid, alone… It is an intense time in the world and I don’t see any signs of the pace or intensity decreasing. What can we do?

Share your Purpose & Repair the Healing Web

Stand in your power, share your stories, write your soul truth as rise from the ashes of the global changes facing humanity.

May the Wounded Healer Become the Empowered Healer.

What is your Bold Vision?

Deep healing happens when we shine light into the shadows of our mind and heart in order to mine the gems from life changing events.

In the hero’s journey sharing your wisdom is “the return,” where you courageously impart the wisdom you gained from your journey.

Speak your Soul Truth & Embody Spiritual Awakening

My purpose is to support women to be seen, heard and financially supported in alignment with soul purpose.

The Phoenix Life Reset is a soul gathering where deep listening happens, where truths are revealed, on the sacred ground of transformational healing for generations past, present and future.


Remember your Magic, Embody Soul Purpose & Create your Soul Purpose Legacy