My latest podcast episode is called “Healing the Mother Wound.” It’s my journey from being Motherless to feeling deeply and completely loved by the Great Mother.

This is the most vulnerable podcast episode since I started podcasting in 2015.

Listen to the Embody Wealthy Podcast here: Healing the Mother Wound

*TRIGGER WARNING* includes my story of parental addiction and domestic violence.

I’m shared my journey of being motherless to illuminate why the foundation of my soul-work personally and professionally is to repair and integrate the wounded masculine and wounded feminine within in order to embody the divine union of masculine and feminine essence as your magic power in life, love and business.

I read a self-guided soul retrieval that I wrote when I was 19 then offer a sensual hypnosis journey to help you heal self neglect, self abandonment, self sabotage, self attack, people-pleasing, over-giving tendencies of the Martyr mother archetype that can result from growing up in the dominant culture and dysfunctional household with mental health issue such as addiction, neglect or abuse.

The Cornerstone Re-parenting the Inner Child Teachings to Create a Secure, Healthy and Loving relationship with myself:

  1. Show up for yourself. You’re worth it. The next breath is the next opportunity to try again. Antidote for: Self neglect or denying your needs.
  2. Keep your word to yourself. Quit using people-pleasing and over giving as an excuse to abandon yourself. Antidote for: Self abandonment or giving up on yourself.
  3. Make your healthy lifestyle daily practices of bathing, dressing, eating, movement, rest and sleeping well non-negotiable. Antidote for: Self sabotage or maintaining a constant state of high stress 
  4. Be kind and compassionate to yourself always. Learn to love yourself with fierce and unconditionally love. If you notice an old habit of self attack, stop and immediately apologize to yourself and reset your path to loving. Antidote for: Self attack or speaking and/or acting in ways that you would treat no one but yourself.

My purpose is supporting world-changing women to create financial freedom in service to the greater good.

If you are ready to receive more money in alignment with love, embody pleasure, and restore the healing web on Earth, I invite you to book a Desire Session.

Desire & Unlock the Creative Power of your Desire

Discover why manifesting isn’t working & start creating the pleasurable life you imagine. This is an Akashic Recode Phone Session with Sensual Hypnosis Recording.

Schedule a Desire Session with Christel: Desire Session

I would be honored to support and connect with you.

The world needs your magic healing powers to AMPLIFY, the new way of being and living in alignment with love.

Please enjoy — and stay tuned for another heart-expanding embody wealthy episode soon!

With love,

Listen to the full episode on the Embody Wealthy Podcast website

If you prefer Apple podcasts, just click here.

Or simply search “Embody Wealthy Podcast” on your fave podcast platform, and find my smiling face.

P.S. Magic Happens & YOU’RE IT!